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Assembly line CCD visual dispensing machine – Shenzhen Xunbo Technology
Assembly line CCD visual dispensing machine – Shenzhen Xunbo Technology-Screw machine - plasma processing machine -Potting machine - dispensing machine - soldering machine

Assembly line CCD visual dispensing machine – Shenzhen Xunbo Technology

Visual dispensing machine 1428 0

Characteristics and application of CCD visual dispensing machine

  • Xunbo Technology CCD visual dispensing machine: 1, under the same production capacity, compared with traditional manual dispensing, can save a lot of labor costs of 8 to 10 people; 2, the operation is simple, the product is put freely, the vision can be automatically identified, the production efficiency and quality increase, the dispensing rate is 8 to 10 times that of the traditional dispensing; 3, effectively control the dispensing amount, the error value is controlled at 1/2 points; 4, high running accuracy, repeatability up to 0.01mm; 5. Glue in a closed space to reduce the damage of toxic substances to the human body; 6, the advantage of vision is computer programming, camera 360 degree automatic scanning positioning, do not need mold operation is simple; 7, accurate, fast and stable dispensing quality; 8, it can realize the full automation of product dispensing, solve the problem of difficult recruitment and labor shortage faced by the factory, and solve the problem of long working cycle of employees.
  • Xunbo Technology CCD visual dispensing machine: 1 equipment to replace 5 people, half a year can return the cost!
  • Industry application: hardware, jewelry, watches, door flowers, signs, badges, buttons, hanging particles, trademarks, dice, mahjong, chess, shoe materials, sensors, key chains, electronic components, COB, COG, PCB semiconductor packaging industry sealant, new energy, nano industry, electronics industry, crafts and other fields of paint
  • Equipment commonly used several fluids such as: epoxy glue (AB glue) crystal glue, UV glue, electronic silicone, lubricants and other fluids; Paint, ink, lubricant, crystal glue, AB glue, black glue, solder paste, cold glue, hot glue, nano waterproof materials and other fluids
  • Assembly line CCD visual dispensing machine – Shenzhen Xunbo Technology-Screw machine - plasma processing machine -Potting machine - dispensing machine - soldering machine

Consulting Hotline:86-15817480579(Wechat same number)


Assembly line CCD visual dispensing machine – Shenzhen Xunbo Technology-Screw machine - plasma processing machine -Potting machine - dispensing machine - soldering machine


Assembly line CCD visual dispensing machine – Shenzhen Xunbo Technology-Screw machine - plasma processing machine -Potting machine - dispensing machine - soldering machine



Assembly line CCD visual dispensing machine – Shenzhen Xunbo Technology-Screw machine - plasma processing machine -Potting machine - dispensing machine - soldering machine




节约成本 提高品质

采用视觉对位系统及高精度自动识别不良品或不 需要点胶的产品,节约生成本产

Assembly line CCD visual dispensing machine – Shenzhen Xunbo Technology-Screw machine - plasma processing machine -Potting machine - dispensing machine - soldering machine

无需治具 精准识别

点的快 不漏胶 不滴胶

产品任意角度摆放,相机自动识别产品点胶区域可 同时放多个产品点胶提高工作效率

Assembly line CCD visual dispensing machine – Shenzhen Xunbo Technology-Screw machine - plasma processing machine -Potting machine - dispensing machine - soldering machine

操作简单 声光报警


Assembly line CCD visual dispensing machine – Shenzhen Xunbo Technology-Screw machine - plasma processing machine -Potting machine - dispensing machine - soldering machine



Assembly line CCD visual dispensing machine – Shenzhen Xunbo Technology-Screw machine - plasma processing machine -Potting machine - dispensing machine - soldering machine



Assembly line CCD visual dispensing machine – Shenzhen Xunbo Technology-Screw machine - plasma processing machine -Potting machine - dispensing machine - soldering machine

Assembly line CCD visual dispensing machine – Shenzhen Xunbo Technology-Screw machine - plasma processing machine -Potting machine - dispensing machine - soldering machine




Assembly line CCD visual dispensing machine – Shenzhen Xunbo Technology-Screw machine - plasma processing machine -Potting machine - dispensing machine - soldering machine




标签:visual spraying machinevisual dispensing machine manufactureronline visual dispensing machinecabinet visual dispensing machinevisual dispensing machineDispensing machineShenzhen dispensing machineautomatic dispensing machineCCD视觉点胶机在线点胶机深圳点胶机点胶机自动点胶机 上一篇: 下一篇:


